Unit conversion calculator

On-line measurement conversion caluclator of 2500 units, including metric conversion. Categorized by subject, shows conformable units

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finanse: kursy walut
units of measure: length | area | volume | mass | current | amount | angle | solid angle | force | pressure | charge | capacitance | resistance | conductance | inductance | velocity | acceleration | density | linear density | viscosity | kinematic viscosity | temperature | power | energy | work | entropy | gas flow | fluid flow | radiation dose | luminance | information | time

You have
You want
Options precision (1-99)

You have: 10 USD, You want: PLN, Result : ...
You have: 6 inches, You want: cm, Result : 15.24 (1/0.0656167979)6 inches is about 15cm (lub 1/0.0656167979cm)
You have: 100 hp, You want: watt, Result: 73549.875100 hp is over 70000W
You have: 2 litres, You want: gallon, Result: 0.2641720524 (1/3.785411784)1 liter is about 0.26 gallon, 1 gallon is about 3.8 liters
You have: tempC(60), You want: tempK, Result: 333.15 (1/0.00300165090)60C is 335.15 K
You have: 23 meter * 15 feet, You want: ary, Result: 1.05156 (1/0.9509680855)The area of 23 meters and 15 feet square is 1.05 are
You have: week + 10 days + 6 hours, You want: minute, Result: 24840one week, 10 days and 6 hour has 24840 minutes
You have: c / 5 megahertz, You want: [empty], Result: Definition: 59.9584916 mlength of 5 MHz wave is about 60 meters